for symptomatic relief of
Colic, Gas and Upset Stomach

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Identifying Colic

It is fairly common for babies to go through periods when they appear abnormally irritable, fussy, or seem to cry for no reason.

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    Baby cries vigorously for long periods, despite efforts to console*

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    During these episodes; baby arches back, pulls knees to chest, clenches fists, flails arms and legs

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    Baby experiences disrupted sleep patterns

MORE ABOUT Understanding Colic

Colic Calm® Herbal Blend Gripe Water is a safe, effective, FDA listed homeopathic medicine. Made with natural active ingredients, Colic Calm Herbal Blend eases baby’s discomfort often associated with gas, colic, hiccups and teething. Our gentle liquid formula is the #1 selling gripe water for infant gas & colic relief.

Treating Colic

The most frustrating aspect of colic can be the inconsolable nature of your baby’s discomfort. While parents often feel helpless, there are steps that may help alleviate you and your babies suffering.

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    The “Colic Hold” uses gravity to apply gentle pressure to your baby’s abdomen. This may help expel gases and increase motility in the gut.
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    Gentle motions such as rocking, vibrating or slow dancing can soothe an upset baby.
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    Introduce probiotics early. Studies have shown that baby-specific oral probiotics, such as CalmCo Probiotic can reduce crying.
MORE ABOUT Treating Colic

Why Probiotics

Probiotics or “good bacteria” help start your baby’s digestive system off right.

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    Colic symptoms may be reduced with the use of daily a probiotic drop.*
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    Probiotics aid in developing stronger nutrient absorption and a healthy immune system.
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    Research has shown that use of P.pentosaceus and B.longum can help conditions related to infant colic.*
Find out more about Probiotics

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